Yet another crazy idea

Well here we go again winging it as ever. So I really thought I could do this blogging malarkey huh??. I mean who was I kidding I can’t even remember to write something for it never mind make it sound semi interesting. As for punctuation and all that jazz well that’s probably turning the punctuation police grey haired and slightly irate. Is that even spelt correctly who knows really. 
So I’m sure my family will back me up here but I’m that girl who gets these crazy ideas in her head and I have to do it straight away but then her brain hops into grasshopper mode. My week has been full of starting jobs and hopping on to the next one because I distract myself whilst boiling the kettle. 

My latest ideas are setting up a pos system for my in person events and an inventory system of sorts with barcodes. Wanna know more about this then let me know I’m sure I could write a blurb or something about it. 

Anyhow i hope this system will kick me up the butt enough to have a more organised system in one place for all my sales channels if not then at least I have pretty pink barcodes. It’s taking longer than I thought to implement and I’ve less than a week until my first face to event of 2024. Please someone tell me this is perfectly normal behaviour. 

Will I learn to love to my point of sale system or will I wish I’d stayed a chaotic stall holder for another 6 years of my business.  I guess only time will tell. 

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